API Reference
Disputes Webhooks
Verifi RDR Webhook Event
- X-Butter-Webhook-Type
- Value: verifi.rdr
- Description: The type of webhook event.
- X-Butter-Webhook-Signature
- Description: A signed hash of the webhook body used to validate the authenticity. Examples of calculating signature hashes can be found below in the Webhook Signature Code Snippets section.
- X-Butter-Webhook-Deduplication-ID
- Description: An Idempotent ID to verify if you have received the same webhook before.
- X-Butter-Webhook-Created
- Description: Time webhook was created, additionally used for calculating the signature hash.

- case.date
- Type: string
- Format: YYYY-MM-DD
- Description: The date when the Verifi case was opened.
- Nullable: false
- case.amount
- Type: float
- Description: The disputed amount as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- case.currency
- Type: string
- Format: ISO-4217
- Description: The currency of the original transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- authorization_code
- Type: string
- Description: The authorization code of the original transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- acquirer_reference_number
- Type: string
- Description: The Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) of the original transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- refunded
- Type: boolean
- Description: Indicates whether the transaction was refunded by an applied RDR rule.
- Nullable: false
- original_transaction.date
- Type: string
- Format: YYYY-MM-DD
- Description: The date of the original transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- original_transaction.amount
- Type: float
- Description: The amount of the original transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- original_transaction.currency
- Type: string
- Format: ISO-4217
- Description: The currency of the original transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- card.bin
- Type: integer
- Description: The first six to eight digits of the card used to make the transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- card.last4
- Type: integer
- Description: The last four digits of the card used to make the transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- network.merchant_id
- Type: integer
- Description: The merchant ID (MID) used during processing of the transaction as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- network.scheme
- Type: string
- Description: The card network where the transaction was made.
- Nullable: false
- Enums:
- visa
- network.reason_code
- Type: string
- Description: The reason the transaction was disputed as reported by the card network.
- Enums:
- 10.4 (Other Fraud - Card Absent Environment)
- 10.5 (Visa Fraud Monitoring Program)
- 11.1 (Card Recovery Bulletin)
- 11.2 (Declined Authorization)
- 11.3 (No Authorization)
- 12.1 (Late Presentment)
- 12.2 (Incorrect Transaction Code)
- 12.3 (Incorrect Currency)
- 12.4 (Incorrect Account Number)
- 12.5 (Incorrect Amount)
- 12.6.1 (Duplicate processing)
- 12.6.2 (Paid by other means)
- 13.1 (Merchandise/Services Not Received)
- 13.8 (Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted)
- 13.9 (Non-Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction Value)
- 13.2 (Cancelled Recurring)
- 13.3 (Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services)
- 13.4 (Counterfeit Merchandise)
- 13.5 (Misrepresentation)
- 13.6 (Credit not processed)
- 13.7 (Cancelled Merchandise/Services)
- Nullable: false
- network.merchant_order_id
- Type: string
- Description: The order ID reported to the card network by the processor.
- Nullable: true
- network.merchant_category_code
- Type: integer
- Description: The Merchant Category Code (MCC) as reported by the card network.
- Nullable: false
- psp_transaction
- Type: object
- Description: Contains information about the linked transaction in the respective PSP.
- Nullable: true
- psp_transaction.type
- Type: string
- Description: Type of ID used for linking the disputed transaction to the transaction in the respective PSP.
- Enums
- charge
- Nullable: false
- psp_transaction.id
- Type: string
- Description: The ID linking the disputed transaction to the transaction in the respective PSP.
- created_at
- Type: integer
- Description: A unix timestamp of when the webhook was created.

Updated 06 Jan 2025

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