



Dispute can be enabled as part of your Butter Recover service and is backed by Verifi, a Visa-backed solution. Butter has partnered with Verifi to help prevent disputes and reduce associated fees.


To complete the enrollment process, please provide the necessary information about your merchant account. For details on how to submit this information, contact us at [email protected].


  • Merchant Business Name
  • Product Descriptors
  • Business Phone Number
  • Sample ARNs


  • Acquirer BIN
  • Card Acceptor ID (CAID)
  • MCC code


To block eligible dispute claims, Butter will submit evidence proving the validity of the current transaction. This evidence must include key data elements from the initial checkout, such as the customer's IP address. Implementing Butter's Data Collection API, ensures Butter collects these data elements in real-time for every successful checkout, enabling the blocking of future dispute claims.

📚 Documentation here: Data Collection API

After implementing the data collection API, merchants will start seeing the impact of Order Insight on their dispute counts in a matter of weeks.

Updated 05 Jan 2025
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